There were some apples on the counter and since the day is nice, I got the impulse of making a salad with some fruit in it. Problem is, I don't quite have any idea what to do with apples, so I dug into my fruit basket and pulled out some mandarins. I started craving a taste, so I went with them.
I made a quick badly made dressing with two mandarins, a bit of lime juice, some orange juice, and olive oil. Salt, pepper, and a bit of ground ginger. I tasted it, and yup, it hit the spot. So then I proceeded to chop my veggies:
-Romaine Lettuce
-Red Bell Pepper
and a fruit:
-The Third Mandarin that survived the squeezing.
I stared at the radishes in the fridge, they stared back at me, I closed the door on them. I regret it, a little, but, like I said, lazy day.
I did open the fridge again to pull out some dried cranberries. But still ignored the radishes. Next time!
And then, I just put everything together and made myself a nice little meal. It was actually quite... perfect. It went well with the climate, and with my mood. And now I can go back to doing some drawings, possibly painting.